Full-page, anti-Trump ad in Palm Beach’s town newspaper hits home

Anti-Trump political pranksters are targeting Palm Beach County again, this time with a full-page, color ad today in the Palm Beach Daily News — the hometown, society newspaper that for decades has covered swanky events at Mar-a-Lago, the president’s private club.

The ad shows a cartoon of the president, disheveled, trying to wrap his arms around a giant globe of the earth on top of him. Beneath it, “Lost the popular vote” and “Approval Rating: Can’t get it up,” followed by the hashtag, #TooSmallForTheJob.

The cost of the ad, $6,500, was paid for by Wareham Place LLC — a reference to the street where Trump’s childhood home is located in Jamaica Estates, an upper middle class neighborhood in the New York City borough of Queens.

Who is behind the ad is not known. The company is not licensed in Florida.

The ad is the second recent effort by anti-Trump activists to bring their message not just to Trump’s home turf but where he is mostly likely to see it.

Mad Dog PAC, a newly formed political action committee founded to erect anti-Trump, anti-NRA and anti-“Republican enablers” billboards, found prime real estate for its “Impeachment Now” billboard along the president’s motorcade route to Mar-a-Lago – also the route to Trump International Golf Club, where the president frequently plays while in Palm Beach.

That billboard is scheduled to go up Monday. The president will likely visit next weekend, March 23-25. The first family is also likely visit Mar-a-Lago the following weekend, where is usually spends Easter.

Mad Dog PAC co-founder, Claude Taylor, said his group is not affiliated with Wareham Place LLC. However, he has been in contact with the group, which released a statement through Taylor.

“By underlining his inadequacies in this personal way at a venue which is the bastion of his core supporters we hoped we would cause him to experience something like our own emotions when we consider the damage he has done to the concept of democracy and to essential American institutions,” according to the statement.

The Palm Beach Daily News, called the Shiny Sheet by locals, has been covering Trump since he purchased Mar-a-Lago in 1985. The paper is owned by Cox Media Group, the same company that owns the Palm Beach Post.

Trump’s photo has appeared in the paper countless times – usually with guests at fundraisers and galas at Mar-a-Lago.

The paper is widely read during the social season. Sunday’s edition featured a front page story about Donald Trump Jr.’s appearance at a GOP fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago on Friday. Former vice-presidential Sarah Palin spoke at the event.

The full-page, anti-Trump ad appeared on page 7.

In response to the local attacks on the president, the Committee to Defend the President — a Virginia-based political-action committee — has also come to town.

Not to be outdone by Mad Dog PAC, the Committee to Defend the President found billboard space on Okeechobee Boulevard, just west of I-95 and two miles north of the anti-Trump billboard.

It, too, is scheduled to go up on Monday. Its message – “Thank You President Trump – Keep America Great” is nearly identical to the anti-Trump billboard, using the same layout, font and colors.

Although it is not on the presidential motorcade, the Committee to Defend the president has plans for another billboard to go up on April 2 — the day after Easter.

Not only is it along the motorcade route but it is also on the flip side of Mad Dog PAC’s impeachment billboard.

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The post Full-page, anti-Trump ad in Palm Beach’s town newspaper hits home appeared first on How to Rent Apartments in West Palm Beach.

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